Bigsby and everything that the film is composed of will forever mark a moment in which youth engagement via the arts touched on subjects otherwise troubling to society. The dedication brought to set days was outstanding, the spirit of comradery created a sense of belonging that the youth responded well towards. It was evident being part of a project such as this one brought feelings of ownership and responsibility. As Bishop expressed numerous times, “This is not just my film, this is everybody’s film!”.
Youth took it upon themselves to clean up after one another, to be mindful of others around the set (specially if the individual was not part of the cast and crew). As echoed by McKnight and Kretzmann (1993), “youth can always make a significant contribution to their community. Increasing their self esteem and levels of competency. They are filled with free time, ideas and creativity, connections to places within a community, dreams and desires, peer group relationships, family relationships and most of all energy and enthusiasm” (p.30-31). The set was an outstanding place to be and had always a positive energy, one of the group’s slogans is representative of this. Any time there was a task to complete, a goal to be set, or anything alike, the saying was “It’ll be good, we’ll get it done… And then we’ll be laughing!”. The feeling of belonging was transmitted in everything everyone committed too. The engagement happening at this age helps create conscience of our surroundings, it highlights our abilities and possibilities of what can be done in the community. Thus creating a stronger civil society at an early age.
At this time, it seems as though the days were long and went by so fast, we are left with a comforting feeling of accomplishments reached as we reminisce about the lessons learned. So now, we get to eagerly wait for Kenzie to work his magic… and then we’ll be laughing!
Catalina Belalcazar Production/Research Assistant
Bigsby: Before.
Bigsby: During.
Bigsby: After.
Table read: Mick MacDonald and Fritz Bishop.
Great team work and smiles after a long day of shooting.
Team work in a cold, windy day shooting across Sydney.
All hands on deck for a great day shooting at Governor’s Pub.
A beautiful shot of the sun setting, ending yet another great day of filming!
Wonderful writer, director, actor and over all human!
Talented actors, talented videographer and director at work. Touching scene.
#Bigsby #feels
“The sound guys” rain or shine, these two made it possible!
Behind the scenes.
Collaboration and team work at its finest!
Mitch, the kindest and most uplifting human! An asset to the cast and crew!
Friendship. Hardwork. Dedication. Passion. And talent.
#Bigsby #feels
Teamwork makes dream work!
Guidance is key and Mick MacDonald has been a guiding presence during this wonderful production!
Heartbreak, talent and dedication.
#Bigsby #feels
Talented bundle of joy! P, always has an eye for the most beautiful shots!
Hot set: dressing a set with props can transform the areas being filmed. Three locations in one shot!
Early mornings and late, late nights. Regardless our cast and crew always together, always supportive.
#Bigsby #feels Teamwork makes dream work.
Klumsy and Bigsby encounter.
The feeling of friendship and support was constant.
Patricia a.k.a “P”.
Most talented youth! Her vision, dedication and passion are uplifting and inspiring!
These actors brought true feelings out of everyone on set.
It was an honour to have had such a wonderful, talented actor and mentor!
Klumsy the clown.
One of the many times the team gathered to hear suggestions, raise questions and provide feedback.
Hardwork and concentration was needed to achieve this scene. It was a long day, but very rewarding!
“The Shopping Cart Gang”
Wentworth Park, Sydney.
“The Uke Smash”
He followed his dreams with passion and perseverance, inspiring others to step our of their comfort zone to achieve new levels of talent never imagined before. #Bigsby
Mid-filming shot in a beautiful area of Sydney, NS.
She created master pieces on Bigsby’s actors. Her talent is endless and will bring a bright future!
#Bigsby #feels
It was a life changing experience, we are thankful for everyone’s hard work and energy. Now we wait, to see all of our talent be put together, edited and refined. BIGSBY COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR YOU.