

Want to have a say on issues that matter? Get your hands on art supplies and scientific equipment? Create a better Cape Breton? Join the iCreate pilot project to explore the ways that damage to the environment affects the quality of our lives.

You can participate in an iCreate squad in one of two ways. If you are connected with one of our community partners, you can join the squad location: UNIA, Undercurrent Youth Centre, and the Whitney Pier Youth Club. If not, or if you are but have a particular interest in film or audio recording, you can join one of our documentary squads, working on video and radio documentaries of the project.

Who can participate: young people ages 10-24, although participants will need permission from parent(s) or guardian(s)

Where: onsite with our community partners in Whitney Pier and Glace Bay, and at CBU for the documentary teams.  All participants will meet up at CBU for the beginning and end of the project. Transportation will be provided to and from CBU for those who need it.

When: The project starts with a two-day event May 2-3 and ends with a presentation June 12, both at CBU.  For the six weeks in between, each squad will meet once a week in the evenings (5:30-8:30PM) on a night chosen by the group. The doc squads will have a more flexible schedule as decided by squad members.

Let us know if you want to join a squad by April 27 either by talking to an organizer with one of the community partners or by sending us an email at

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